Our Clientele

International Fund For Agricultural development (IFAD) Training For Project Management held in Nairobi,Kenya

KIPM Institute aims to be the leading provider of quality training and consultancy services in applied project management, business management, and technology in Africa. Our mission is to promote good practices in project management, leadership, and consultancy services. 

Many organizations have benefited from our research, consultancy and training services in Project and business Management skills. In addition, KIPM provide specialised courses in Business Start-up, Communication Skills, Team Building, CBO Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Contract Management, Change Management etc to clients. Our portfolio includes participants from Government Institutions, NGO’s, CBO’s, Private Firms and individuals looking to hone their skills in their fields of practice.

No. Organisation City, Country
1. Academy for Educational Development Sudan
2. African Research & Resource forum (ARRF Kenya ) Nairobi, Kenya
3. Arid Lands Resource Management Project Nairobi, Kenya
4. Care International Dadaab, Kenya
6. Civil Aviation Authority Tanzania
7. Development Solutions Centre Ghana
9. Fina bank Nairobi, Kenya
10. Geothermal Development Company (GDC Kenya) Nakuru | Nairobi, Kenya
11. Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS Nairobi, Kenya
12. Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd (GBHL) Mombasa, Kenya
13. Huawei Nairobi, Kenya
15. Kenya Institute of Education Nairobi, Kenya
16. Kenya Petroleum Refineries Ltd Mombasa, Kenya
17. Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) Nairobi, Kenya
18. Kenya Ports Authority Mombasa, Kenya
20. Kenya Railways Corporation Nairobi, Kenya
21. Kenya Sugar Board Kisumu | Kakamega, Kenya
22. KPLC-Retirement Benefits Scheme Nairobi, Kenya
23. K-Rep Nairobi, Kenya
24. Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Nairobi, Kenya
25. Lake Victoria Region Local Authorities Corporation (LVRLAC) Nairobi, Kenya
26. Lutheran World Federation Dadaab, Kenya
28. Malawi Liverpool Welcome Trust Clinical Research Programme (MLW) Malawi
30. Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Rwanda
31. Ministry of Water Nairobi, Kenya
32. National Environment Trust Fund (Netfund) Nairobi, Kenya
33. NAMPAK Thika, Kenya
34. Norwegian People’s Aid South Sudan
35 Norweign Refugee Camp Dadaab, Kenya
36. Old Mutual Kenya Nairobi, Kenya
38. Rhino Special Products Ltd Nairobi, Kenya
39. Soliton Telmec Ltd Nairobi, Kenya
40. Walter Reed Project-PEPFAR HIV program Kisumu, Kenya
41. Water and Sewerage Company Kilifi Mariakani, Kenya
43. UNESCO PEER Nairobi, Kenya
44. UNOPS Nairobi ,Kenya
45. Kenya Ports Authority Mombasa,Kenya
46. Geothermal Association of Kenya Naivasha,Kenya
47.Youth Enterprise Development FundNairobi, Kenya
48. Diamond Trust bank (DTB) Nairobi, Kenya
49. International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD)Nairobi, Kenya